Connecting neighbors through art and food to raise awareness and funds for local organizations that fight hunger and homelessness in our community.
Empty Bowls was started in 2012 to welcome Nicollet Square and its 44 youth residents to the King Field neighborhood. The event was created to build community and draw attention to the issue of hunger in our community, a common side effect of homelessness. Now in our 14th year, Empty Bowls Minneapolis has grown from a single day event to one that includes months of activities leading up to the big day!
Pre-events include pottery throw-downs hosted by ceramic artists and teachers from across the Twin Cities. Also, local partners host multiple paint-a-bowl events to prepare our bowls for the community meal, and also to raise awareness for those facing hunger and homelessness in our community.
On Sunday, February 8, 2026, for a suggested donation, community members are invited to share in a communal meal of soup and bread from local restaurants. They can also take their handmade bowl home as a reminder of our many neighbors who are in need of food and shelter.
Our 2025 Empty Bowls Minneapolis partners included Beacon Interfaith Housing, the founding organization of Nicollet Square, Harvest from the HEART, TRUST INC., and the Kingfield Neighborhood Association. All four partners will spend the money provided to them from this event to support their work related to hunger and homelessness.
A heartfelt thank you to our host partner, Judson Memorial Baptist Church, and our marketing partner, Johnson Design + etc, for your generosity over the years. Your support provides Empty Bowls Minneapolis with the essential tools needed to create a successful fundraising event. We are truly grateful for your partnership!
Make donation and help us end hunger
and homelessness today!